Home Group QuestionnaireName (Not required)Home groupHome group(Choose an option)Lime TreeStokeMiddle StokeCentralWoolsgrave and WoodwayBarras HeathWolstonCanleyVirtual?How much do you enjoy being part of your HG?How much do you enjoy being part of your HG?(Choose an option)1 Don't enjoy2345678910 Really enjoyTo what extent has your relationship with the HG members grown?To what extent has your relationship with the HG members grown?(Choose an option)1 Hasn't grown2345678910 Has grownHow open do you feel the group is on a personal/spiritual level?How open do you feel the group is on a personal/spiritual level?(Choose an option)1 Not open2345678910 Very openHow willing are you to ask the group to pray for you?How willing are you to ask the group to pray for you?(Choose an option)1 Not willing2345678910 Very willingHow much do you give practical care to other group members?How much do you give practical care to other group members?(Choose an option)1 Little2345678910 LotsHow much do you give spiritual care to group members?How much do you give spiritual care to group members?(Choose an option)1 Little2345678910 LotsRecognising that lots of care takes place outside of home groups, how good do you think the group is at ensuring someone is being looked out for, even though it may not be by someone in the group?Recognising that lots of care takes place outside of home groups, how good do you think the group is at ensuring someone is being looked out for, even though it may not be by someone in the group?(Choose an option)1 Not Good2345678910 Very GoodDo you think group socials do or would help the group in their relationships and care for each other?Do you think group socials do or would help the group in their relationships and care for each other?(Choose an option)1 Don't help2345678910 Really helpHow much have home groups helped you think through and apply the sermon? How much have home groups helped you think through and apply the sermon?(Choose an option)1 Little2345678910 LotsTo what extent do you think home groups have helped you grow in your relationship with God and likeness to Jesus?To what extent do you think home groups have helped you grow in your relationship with God and likeness to Jesus?(Choose an option)1 Not helped2345678910 Very helpfulTo what extent have home groups helped you grow in your bible knowledge?To what extent have home groups helped you grow in your bible knowledge?(Choose an option)1 Not helped2345678910 Very helpfulTo what extent do you contribute to discussions at home group?To what extent do you contribute to discussions at home group?(Choose an option)1 Little2345678910 LotsKeeping in mind the above questions and categories, how well do you think the group is led? Keeping in mind the above questions and categories, how well do you think the group is led?(Choose an option)1 Not well2345678910 Very wellDo you have an encouragement to share?Do you have any constructive feedback to give?If you are not present regularly at your home group, what are the reasons for that? 99 plus 1 = leave this one twenty seven thousand