1 John 2012 Be Filled - Know the Truth 2012-02-05 PMSunday Evening ServiceJames Young1 John 2:18-281 John 2012 The Testimony That Counts 2012-02-26 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames Young1 John 1:1-101 John 2012 Do Not Sin 2012-03-11 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames Young1 John 1:1-2:21 John 2012 Do Not Love the World 2012-05-06 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames Young1 John 2:15-171 John 2012 Recognising the Activity of The Holy Spirit 2012-06-17 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames Young1 John 5:1-131 John 2012 The Holy Spirit's Internal Witness 2012-07-08 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames Young1 John 2:28-3:91 John 2012 Walk in the Light 2018-11-11 PMSunday Evening ServiceJames Young1 John 1:1-2:111 John 2012