Christmas A body You have prepared for Me 2016-12-18 AMSunday Morning ServicePaul WattsPsalms 40:1-10; Luke 1:26-38Christmas Follow the Star - Carol Service 2016-12-18Carol ServiceJames YoungMatthew 2:1-6Christmas Immanuel- Requires a Repsonse 2016-12-25Christmas Day ServiceJames YoungIsaiah 8:1-10Christmas Praising God 2016-12-25 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsLuke 2:1-20Christmas Jesus has the Supremacy 2017-12-03 AMSunday Morning ServicePaul WattsColossians 1:1-18Christmas Submitting to God 2017-12-10 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames YoungLuke 1:1-80Christmas Getting Christmas and going there 2017-12-17 AMSunday Morning ServicePaul WattsMicah 5:2-5; Matthew 2:1-12Christmas Carol Service - You Are Welcome 2017-12-17Carol ServiceJames YoungLuke 2:10-12Christmas The Christmas Stump 2017-12-24 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames YoungIsaiah 11:1-16Christmas Nothing is Impossible 2017-12-24 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsLuke 1:37Christmas The Worst and Best News 2017-12-25Christmas Day ServiceBen RowellEphesians 2:1-10Christmas He's Arrived 2018-12-16 AMSunday Morning ServiceJames YoungMatthew 1:1-25Christmas Precious Gift 2018-12-16Carol ServicePaul WattsMatthew 2:1-12Christmas No Room in the Inn 2018-12-23 AMSunday Morning ServicePaul WattsLuke 2:1-7Christmas Rescued for a Glorious Kingdom 2018-12-23 PMSunday Evening ServiceAndy NorrisIsaiah 9:1-7Christmas Don't Miss the Trip-Step 2018-12-25Christmas Day ServiceJames YoungMatthew 1:1-25Christmas The Purpose of His Coming 2020-12-13 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsJohn 12:20-36Christmas Jesus Our Emmanuel 2022-12-11 PMSunday Evening ServiceMarco UlianaMatthew 1:18-23Christmas Unwrapping the Gift 2022-12-18 AMSunday Morning ServiceSimon HookGalatians 4:4-5Christmas The Birth Of Jesus 2022-12-18Carol ServiceJames YoungLuke 1:1-80Christmas God's Indescribable Gift 2022-12-25Christmas Day ServiceSimon Hook2 Corinthians 9:15Christmas Laid in a Manger 2022-12-25Christmas Day ServiceJames YoungLuke 2:1-20Christmas Who Do You Trust? 2023-12-10 PMSunday Evening ServiceMatthew StevensIsaiah 7:1-17; Matthew 1:18-25Christmas Veiled in Flesh 2023-12-17 AMSunday Morning ServiceMarco UlianaPhilippians 2:5-8Christmas Three Christmas Contrasts 2023-12-17Carol ServiceSimon HookLuke 2:1-52Christmas Jesus and Joseph 2023-12-24 AMSunday Morning ServiceSimon HookMatthew 1:18-25Christmas And He Shall Be Their Peace 2023-12-24 PMSunday Evening ServiceMarco UlianaMicah 5:2; Micah 5:4-5; Micah 7:18-20Christmas To behold God's glory in Christ! 2023-12-25Christmas Day ServiceJames YoungLuke 1:26-38Christmas Little Town of Bethlehem 2024-12-08 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsMicah 5:2; Isaiah 11:1-11Christmas Come from the East 2024-12-22Carol ServiceJames YoungMatthew 2:1-12Christmas Gaze on the Manger like you gaze on cross 2024-12-25Christmas Day ServiceJames YoungLuke 2:1-20Christmas