Comfort and Encouragement 2023 Forgiveness and Cleansing 2023-01-01 PMSunday Evening ServiceSimon Hook1 John 1:1-2:2Comfort and Encouragement 2023 The Pilgrim and the Pilgrim-Keeper 2023-01-08 PMSunday Evening ServiceMarco UlianaPsalms 121:1-8Comfort and Encouragement 2023 Encourage One Another 2023-01-22 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsEphesians 4:17-32; Hebrews 10:19-25Comfort and Encouragement 2023 The Peace of God 2023-01-29 PMSunday Evening ServiceSimon HookPhilippians 4:1-9Comfort and Encouragement 2023 Sanctification 2023-02-12 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul Watts1 Thessalonians 5:1-28Comfort and Encouragement 2023 Comfort In Suffering 2023-02-19 PMSunday Evening ServiceBernard Every2 Corinthians 1:3-4Comfort and Encouragement 2023 Do Not Grow Weary In Doing Good 2023-02-26 PMSunday Evening ServiceAndy NorrisComfort and Encouragement 2023 A Proper Perspective 2023-03-05 PMSunday Evening ServiceTom Ainge1 Peter 1:1-25Comfort and Encouragement 2023 The Trinity 2023-03-12 PMSunday Evening ServiceStephen AyreMatthew 3:13-17; John 17:1-26Comfort and Encouragement 2023