Esther There is only One True King 2017-05-07 PMSunday Evening ServiceConor DeeringEsther 1:1-22Esther Beauty and the Beast 2017-05-14 PMSunday Evening ServiceAndy NorrisEsther 2:1-23Esther Mordecai makes a stand 2017-05-28 PMSunday Evening ServiceBen RowellEsther 3:1-15Esther The dog that didn't bark 2017-06-11 PMSunday Evening ServiceStephen AyreEsther 4:1-17Esther Meekness and subtlety 2017-06-18 PMSunday Evening ServiceBen RowellEsther 5:1-14Esther The man whom the king delights to honour! 2017-07-02 PMSunday Evening ServiceConor DeeringEsther 6:1-14Esther Esther 7 2017-07-09 PMSunday Evening ServiceAndy NorrisEsther 7:1-10Esther It Isn't Over 2017-07-23 PMSunday Evening ServiceBen RowellEsther 8:1-17Esther A World Turned Upside Down 2017-07-30 PMSunday Evening ServicePeter CordleEsther 9:1-10:3Esther