Truth for Life and Worship God is not far from each one of us 2023-09-10 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsActs 14:8-18; Acts 17:16-34Truth for Life and Worship God's saving revelation 2023-10-15 PMSunday Evening ServiceMarco UlianaPsalms 19:1-14; Jeremiah 9:23-24Truth for Life and Worship God's Incommunicable Attributes 2023-11-05 PMSunday Evening ServiceStephen AyrePsalms 90:1-17Truth for Life and Worship God's Communicable Attributes 2024-01-14 PMSunday Evening ServiceBernard EveryPsalms 8:1-9Truth for Life and Worship Creation and the Creator 2024-02-25 PMSunday Evening ServiceMarco UlianaGenesis 1:1-2:3Truth for Life and Worship Ruler (providence) 2024-03-24 PMSunday Evening ServiceStephen AyreJob 38:1-41Truth for Life and Worship God the Father 2024-04-28 PMSunday Evening ServiceMarco UlianaJohn 17:1-26Truth for Life and Worship Very God & Very Man 2024-06-02 PMSunday Evening ServiceJohn 1:1-18Truth for Life and Worship God the Son and his Offices 2024-06-23 PMSunday Evening ServiceStephen AyreHebrews 1:1-14Truth for Life and Worship The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit 2024-07-28 PMSunday Evening ServicePaul WattsJohn 14:15-31Truth for Life and Worship