A debtor to mercy alone
A feast of joy unspeakable is spread
A Friend there is, your voices join,
A King on high is reigning
A man there is, a real man
A mind at perfect peace with God
A new commandment I give unto you
A purple robe, a crown of thorn
A song breaks from our hearts
A sovereign protector I have
Abba Father let me be yours and yours alone
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Original)
Above the clash of creeds
Above the voices of the world around me
According to your gracious word
Again the Lord’s own day is here
Ages pass by, earth’s treasures all decay
Ah Lord God,
Ah, holy Jesus, how have you offended
Ahead of us, a race to run
Alas! And did my Saviour bleed
All creatures of our God and King
All creatures of our God and King (Sovereign Grace)
All earth was dark until you spoke
All for Jesus, all for Jesus
All glory to God in the sky
All glory, praise and honour
All hail the Lamb
All hail the power of Jesus’ name
All hail, King Jesus! All hail, Immanuel
All heaven declares
All I have is Christ
All I once held dear, built my life upon
All my days I will sing this song of gladness
All my heart this night rejoices
All my hope on God is founded
All my soul to God I raise
All nature is an open book
All of us in sin were dying
All people that on earth do dwell
All power to the Lamb of God
All praise to Christ, our Lord and King divine
All the way my Saviour leads me
All things bright and beautiful
All to Jesus I surrender – Preferred
All who wake tonight
All your commandments Father Almighty
All-creating heavenly giver
Almighty Father, Lord and King
Almighty God
Almighty God, we bring You praise
Almighty God, whose name is great
Almighty Lord most high, draw near
Alone with none but you, my God
Amazing Grace (Auld Lang Syne)
Amazing grace-how sweet the sound
Among us our beloved stands
And can it be that I should gain
And will the judge descend
Angel voices ever singing
Angels from the realms of glory
Angels from the realms of glory (5 longer verses)
Approach my soul, the mercy-seat
Approach with awe this holiest place
Arise, my soul, arise
As if you were not there
As the deer pants for the water
As the fainting deer cries out
As the light upon the river
As water to the thirsty
As we are gathered, Jesus is here
As we come before you to pray
As with gladness men of old
Ascended Christ, who gained
Ascribe greatness to our God, the Rock
Ask! Ask! Ask
Assist me here, my God and King
ASSIST ME HERE, MY GOD AND KING (no hallelujahs)
Astounding grace, that God the Son should choose,
At evening, when the sun had set
At the cross of Jesus
At the name of Jesus
At the Name of Jesus (Praise 506 tune)
At your feet we fall
Awake, my soul, and rise
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Awake, my soul, with joy ablaze,
Away with our fears
Away with our sorrow and fear
Baby Jesus sleeps, while mother Mary keeps
Baptized in water
Baptized in water for our Lord
Baptized into Christ Jesus
Be careful little lips what you say,
Be still and know that I am God
Be still and know that I am God. (x3)
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Be still, my soul: The Lord is on your side
Beauty for brokenness, hope for despair
Before the Lord’s eternal throne
Before the skies
Before the throne of God above
Begin, my soul, a heavenly theme
Begone, unbelief!
Behold a broken world, we pray
Behold his love!
Behold the amazing gift of love
Behold the amazing sight!
Behold the glories of the Lamb
Behold the Lamb (The Communion Song)
Behold the throne of grace
Behold, the great Creator makes
Behold, the mountain of the Lord
Beloved, let us love: For love is of God
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Beyond all knowledge is your love divine
Bless the Lord as day departs
Bless the Lord for all the honours
Bless the Lord O my Soul
Bless the Lord, my soul
Blessed are the humble souls we see
Blessed are the pure in heart
Blessed are those who fear the Lord
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Blessed be God our God
Blessed be the everlasting God
Blessed be the tie that binds
Blessed be your name
Blessed be your name (1 Chorus End)
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer (original)
Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer (with changes)
Blessing and honour, glory and power
Born by the Holy Spirit’s breath
Born of Adam, torn from Eden
Bow down your ear, O Lord, and hear
Bread of heaven, on you we feed
Bread of the world in mercy broken
Break now the bread of life,
Breathe on me, breath of God
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Brightest and best of the stars of the morning
Bring to the Lord a glad new song
By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
By faith, we see the hand of God
By gracious powers so wonderfully sheltered
By rivers of sorrow we sat and remembered
By your grace you have brought us
By your name, O God, now save me
Cast your burden on the Lord
Change my heart O God
Child in a manger born,
Child in the manger
Child of the stable’s secret birth
Children of the heavenly King
Christ brings the kingdom where barrenness blooms
Christ has prepared for us a place
Christ is all the world’s good news
Christ is made the sure foundation
Christ is mine forevermore
Christ is our cornerstone
Christ is risen! Hallelujah!
Christ is surely coming, bringing his reward
Christ is the world’s light, he and none other
Christ is the world’s Redeemer
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands
Christ our hope in life and death
Christ our Redeemer knew temptation’s hour
Christ the Lord is risen again
Christ the Word who spoke creation
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Christ, from whom all blessings flow
Christ, the Lord, is risen today
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Christian soldiers in the fight
Christian soldiers, onward go
Christian, do you see them
Christian, seek not yet repose
Christians, awake! Salute the happy morn
Church of God, elect and glorious
Cleanse me from my sin, Lord
Come and bless us, Lord! While you are beside us
Come and listen to the song
Come and see where Jesus lay
Come and see, come and see
Come behold the wondrous mystery
Come down, O Love Divine
Come into his presence singing, ‘Hallelujah’
Come now let us reason together
Come people of the risen King
Come praise and glorify our God
Come quickly, Lord, and hear the cries
Come quickly, Lord, to rescue me
Come with all joy to sing to God
Come you thankful people come
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove
Come, Holy Spirit, like a dove descending
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Come, let us join our friends above
Come, let us join our friends above
Come, let us with our Lord arise
Come, let us worship Jesus
Come, my soul, your plea prepare
Come, O everlasting Spirit
Come, O fount of every blessing
Come, O long-expected Jesus
Come, see, the winter is past
Come, sing the praise of Jesus
Come, we that love the Lord
Come, you souls by sin afflicted
Come, you souls by sin afflicted (altered)
Command your blessing from above
Contend, O Lord, with those
Create in me a clean heart, O God
Creation sings the Father’s song;
Creator God, with whom we share
Crown him with many crowns
Dear Lord, for all in pain
Deep is the love of Jesus
Deliver me from all my foes
Deliver me from evil
Depth of mercy! Can there be
Do you not know? Have you not heard
Earth gave him no welcome
Earth lies spellbound in darkness
Earth was waiting, spent and restless
Eternal Father, Lord of life
Eternal Father, strong to save
Eternal God, we come to you
Eternal light! Eternal light!
Eternal Light, shine in my heart
Every heart its tribute pays
Ev’ry promise of your word
Facing a task unfinished
Fairest Lord Jesus
Faithful God, faithful God
Faithful One so unchanging (Two verses I and We)
Farewell, friend(s) in Christ
Father and God, from whom the world derives
Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist
Father I place into your hands
Father in heaven
Father of all, whose laws have stood
Father of mercies, in your Word
Father we adore You,
Father, although I cannot see
Father, Holy Spirit, Son
Father, in your dear name we meet
Father, let us dedicate
Father, we adore you
Father, we give you thanks, who planted
Father, your word is like a light in the darkness.
Fear not, for I have redeemed you,
Fight the good fight with all your might
Fill all my life, O Lord my God
For all the glories of the earth and sky
For all the saints, who from their labours rest
For ever with the Lord
For ever, Lord, I’ll sing your love
For God so loved the world
For my eyes and the world I’m seeing,
For the beauty of the earth
For the fruits of his creation
For unto us a child is born,
For your gift of God the Spirit
For your mercy and your grace
Forgive our sins as we forgive
Forth in your name, O Lord, I go
Forty days and forty nights
Freedom and life are ours
From a life of weariness
From all that dwell beneath the skies
From heaven you came, helpless babe
From my pursuers keep me safe
From the depths of shame and sorrow
From the rising of the sun to the going
From the squalor of a borrowed stable
From the sun’s rising
Give me a sight, O Saviour
Give me the faith which can remove
Give me the wings of faith to rise
Give thanks to God, call on his name
Give thanks to God, for he is good, his love will never end
Give thanks to God, for he is good, the everlasting Giver
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give to our God immortal praise
Give to the Lord wholehearted praise
Glorious Christ
Glorious things of you are spoken
Glory and honour
Glory be to God on high
Glory be to God the Father
Glory be to Jesus
Glory be! Glory be to God the Father
Glory in the highest to the God of heaven
Glory To God In The Highest
Glory to God, the source of all our mission
Glory to Jesus, risen, conquering Son
Glory to you, my God, this night
Go forth and tell! O church of God, awake
Go tell everyone the good news,
Go tell it on the mountain,
Go to dark Gethsemane
Go, labour on; spend and be spent
God be in my head
God Came Down to Bethlehem
God defend me; traitors rise
God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name;
God has promised many things
God has spoken-by his prophets
God holds the key to all unknown
God in his wisdom, for our learning
God is always listening,
God is gone up on high
God is great, amazing!
God is in his temple
God is King—be warned, you mighty
God is my great desire
God is our refuge and our strength
God is our strength and refuge
God made low
God moves in a mysterious way
God of glory, we exalt your name
God of grace, I turn my face to you
God of majesty and splendour
God of mercy, God of grace
God of mercy, hear our prayer
God of my life, to you I call
God of my life, to you I pray
God of the ages
God of the ages (Morning switched for Evening)
God of the covenant, Lord God Almighty
God of the world’s great cities
God sent his son
God sent his son (May Jackson Funeral)
God shall alone the refuge be
God the Father, name we treasure
God the Lord, the King Almighty
God the Uncreated One
God the Word addressed the darkness
God! As with silent hearts we bring to mind
God, in the Gospel of his Son
God, we praise you! God, we bless you!
GOD, who made the earth,
God, whose almighty word
God’s gift of life and love has gone
God’s glory fills the heavens with hymns
God’s word to God’s world! In one name alone
Good news is here: Let lameness turn to leaping
Good news of God above
Good news, good news to you we bring
Grace unmeasured, vast and free
Grace, what a joyful sound,
Great Father of glory, how rich is your grace
Great God of wonders, all your ways
Great God, what do I see and hear
Great God, your love has called us here
Great is God’s love for us
Great is the gospel of our glorious God
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
Great is the Lord: His praise is great
Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father
Great Shepherd of your people, hear!
Guide me, O my great Redeemer
Had not the Lord, let Israel say
Hail to the Lord’s anointed
Hail, O once rejected Jesus
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Raise the anthem
Hallelujah! The King is risen
Hallelujah, for the Lord our God
Happy are they to whom the Lord
Happy are those, beyond all measure blessed
Happy the home that welcomes you, Lord Jesus
Happy the people who refuse
Hark! A trumpet-call is sounding
Hark! The herald angels sing
Hark! The song of jubilee
Hark! The voice of love and mercy
Hark, the glad sound! The Saviour comes
Have faith in God, my heart
Have you heard the voice of Jesus
He gave his life in selfless love
He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater
He is exalted
He is exalted
He is Lord, he is Lord
He is the stone, the living stone,
He left his home of perfect light
He made the stars to shine
He made the stars to shine.
He rescued me from the darkest night
He rose triumphantly
He stood before the court
He walked where I walk
He walks among the golden lamps
He was pierced for our transgressions
He who would valiant be
He will hold me fast
He will hold me fast
Head of your church triumphant
Heal us, Immanuel, hear our prayer
Hear me, O Lord, in my distress
Hear the church triumphant singing
Heaven Has Come To Us
Heaven must sing, and earth will find a voice –
Heavenly hosts in ceaseless worship
Help me, O God, and hear my cry
Help us, O Lord, the righteous all have vanished
Help us, O Lord, to learn
Here from the world we turn, Jesus to seek
Here is love, vast as the ocean
Here is love, vast as the ocean (3 verses)
Here is love, vast as the ocean (4 verses)
Here on the threshold of a new beginning
Here, O my Lord, may I behold your face
Higher than the hills
His hands were pierced, the hands that made
His Mercy Is More
Holiness surrounds his throne
Holy child, how still you lie
Holy Spirit, living breath of God,
Holy Spirit, will you be
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts,
Holy, holy, holy Lord,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest
How beautiful their feet
How blessed is life if lived for you
How blest are they who trust in Christ
How bright these glorious spirits shine
How can the way of youth be pure
How deep the Father’s love for us
How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord
How good a thing it is
How good is the God we adore
How good, Lord, to be here!
How great is our God,
How humble Moses was, who met
How long will you forget me, Lord
How long, O Lord, have you bestowed
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of those
How pleased and blessed was I
How rich and deep God’s judgements are
How shall I sing that majesty
How shall they hear the word of God
How sure the scriptures are!
How sweet and awesome is the place
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
How urgent is the summons
How vast the benefits divine
How weak my spirit is, O Lord
How wickedly they spread their lies
How wonderful the works of God
I am not skilled to understand
I am the bread of life,
I am the way the truth and the life
I am trusting you, Lord Jesus
I asked the Lord that I might grow
I believe God answers prayer
I bind myself to God today
I bow before the God of matchless care
I cannot count your blessings, Lord, they’re wonderful
I cannot tell why he whom angels worship
I come with joy, a child of God
I could not do without you
I cried out to God to help me
I do not know what lies ahead
I exalt you, Lord eternal
I greet my sure Redeemer and my King
I have a friend whose faithful love
I have decided to follow Jesus
I have loved you – what a mystery;
I hear the words of love
I hunger and I thirst
I kept my mouth from every sinful word
I know not why God’s wondrous grace
I know that my Redeemer
I know that my Redeemer lives
I love my Lord because he heard my voice
I love the sun,
I love you, O Lord, you alone
I rest in God alone
I saw a new vision of Jesus
I seek the Lord in grief, in pain
I serve a risen Saviour,
I sing the almighty power of God
I stand amazed in the presence
I stand before the presence
I Surrender All
I to the hills lift up my eyes
I will build my church
I will enter his gates with thanksgiving in my heart
I will exalt you, God my King
I will give thanks to you
I will glory in my Redeemer,
I will offer up my life
I will sing of the lamb
I will sing the wondrous story
I will sing the wondrous story
I’ll lift my voice, O Lord
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath
I’ll praise the Lord, my rock
I’ll praise you, Lord, with heart content and joyful
I’m not ashamed to name my Lord
I’ve found my refuge in the Lord
If Christ had not been raised from death
Immortal honours rest on Jesus’ head
Immortal honours rest on Jesus’ head
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
In all the earth, O Lord, our Lord
In anguish to the Lord I cry
In awe and wonder, Lord our God
In awe and wonder, Lord our God (To tune of How sweet the name)
In awe and wonder, Lord our God
In Christ alone my hope is found,
In Christ, like the ones in the ark,
In Eden fair, a place divine
In Eden-sad indeed that day-
In heavenly armour we’ll enter the land
In heavenly love abiding
In Judah’s kingdom God is known
In judgement, Lord, arise
In life or death, Lord Jesus Christ
In memory of the Saviour’s love
In my hour of grief or need
In resurrection bodies
In silent pain the eternal Son
In sure and certain hope
In the beginning, at the dawn of time
In the bleak midwinter, frosty wind made moan,
In the hour of trial
In the tomb so cold they laid him
In you, O Lord, I find my refuge
In Your presence there’s fullness of joy,
Infant holy
Infinite God, to you we raise
Into a world of dark
Into a world of war and struggle
Israel’s shepherd, hear our prayer
It came upon the midnight clear
It is a thing most wonderful
It is Finished
It passes knowledge, your great love divine
It was finished on that cross
Jerusalem on high
Jerusalem the golden
Jesus be first in everything
Jesus be the centre
Jesus calls above the tumult
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesus Christ, I think upon your sacrifice
Jesus in the olive grove
Jesus invites his saints
Jesus is King
Jesus is Lord – the cry that echoes through creation:
Jesus is Lord! Behold the King of kings
Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it
Jesus is the name we honour
Jesus keep me near the cross
Jesus lives! Your terrors now
Jesus’ love is very wonderful,
Jesus paid it all
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Jesus shall take the highest honour
Jesus! Exalted far on high
Jesus, Alpha and Omega
Jesus, come, for we invite you
Jesus, eternal God
Jesus, how could I ever be
Jesus, I my cross have taken
Jesus, I will trust you
Jesus, Jesus, all-sufficient
Jesus, joy of the highest heaven,
Jesus, Lamb of God
Jesus, Lover of my soul
Jesus, Master, at your word
Jesus, Master, whose I am
Jesus, my strength, my hope
Jesus, name above all names
Jesus, O sovereign Lord of all
Jesus, our hope, our hearts’ desire
Jesus, priceless treasure
Jesus, Prince and Saviour
Jesus, stand among us
Jesus, the Everlasting Word
Jesus, the joy of loving hearts
Jesus, the name high over all
Jesus, the very thought of you
Jesus, you are the radiance of the Father’s glory
Jesus, your all-victorious love
Jesus, your blood and righteousness
Jesus, your boundless love to me
Join all the glorious names
Joy has dawned upon the world,
Joy to the world, the Lord has come
Judge eternal, throned in splendour
Just as I am, without one plea
King of kings, Majesty
King of my life, I crown you now
King of the ages, Almighty God,
King of the universe, Lord of the ages
Lamb of God, you now are seated
Lamp of our feet, by which we trace
Lead me Lord,
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Leave God to order all your ways
Let all in heaven and earth unite
Let all the righteous to the Lord
Let all the world in every corner sing
Let earth and heaven combine
Let God arise! His enemies be gone
Let love be found among us
Let me tell you about a baby,
Let not your hearts be troubled
Let not your hearts be troubled (7676D metre)
Let there be love shared among us
Let us draw near! The blood is spilt
Let us love and sing and wonder
Let us worship the Father
Lift up your heads, you mighty gates
Light and salvation is the Lord for me
Light up this place with glory, Lord
Like a river glorious
Like the murmur of the dove’s song
Listen now, it is the Lord,
Listen to my prayer, O God
Listen! Wisdom cries aloud
Listen, my friends, to each word
Living Hope
Living Hope
Lo! He comes with clouds descending
Lo, God is here; let us adore!
Look to the skies, there’s a celebration
Look, you saints, the sight is glorious
Lord and Saviour, true and kind
Lord God, who breathed your word of old
Lord I lift your name on high
Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest and Saviour
Lord Jesus Christ, we seek your face
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord Jesus, when your people meet
Lord of our dawning, who brought us to birth
Lord of the church, we pray for our renewing
Lord of the cross of shame
Lord, as I wake I turn to you
Lord, as the day begins
Lord, be my vision, supreme in my heart
Lord, for the years your love has kept and guided
Lord, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy: in your goodness
Lord, hear my plea, my innocence declare
Lord, hear my prayer! My cry shall come before you
Lord, I delight to recall your commandments
Lord, I have made your word my choice
Lord, I was blind; I could not see
Lord, in our lonely hours
Lord, in you I’ve taken refuge
Lord, it is not within my care
Lord, make your word my rule
Lord, may our hearts within us burn
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Lord, the light of your love is shining
Lord, the light of your love is shining
Lord, to you we lift our voices
Lord, we pray, remember David
Lord, who may venture where you dwell
Lord, you are so precious to me
Lord, you have weaned my heart from pride
Lord, you left your throne and your kingly crown
Lord, you were rich beyond all splendour
Love divine, all loves excelling
Love songs from heaven are filling the earth
Loved before the dawn of time
Loved with everlasting love
Loving Shepherd of your sheep
Low in the grave he lay
Majesty, worship his Majesty
Make me a channel of your peace
Make music to the Lord most high
Man of Sorrows- To the King version
Man of sorrows! What a name
Man of sorrows! What a name (alternate ending)
Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem,
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
May the peace of God, our heav’nly Father,
Meekness and majesty
Merciful and gracious be
Mercy in our time of failure
Mighty God, while angels bless you
More about Jesus would I know
Must the sword devour for ever
My dear Redeemer and my Lord
My faith has found a resting place
My Father divine
My God, how wonderful
My God, I thank you that you made
My God, now is your table spread
My heart and voice I raise
My heart is filled with thankfulness
My heart is full of admiration
My heart is full of Christ, and longs
My heart is ready, O my God
My hope is built on nothing less
My hope rests firm on Jesus Christ,
My Jesus, my Saviour
My Lord, I did not choose you
My Lord, what love is this
My Lord, you called my name
My Lord, you wore no royal crown
My song is love unknown
My soul exalts and magnifies the King
My soul finds rest in God alone
My soul finds rest in God alone,
My times are in your hand
Name of all majesty
New every morning is the love
New songs of celebration render
No fear of God before the eyes
No other name but the name of Jesus
No other prophet ever spoke
No scenes of stately majesty
No weight of gold or silver
Not all the outward forms on earth
Not the grandeur of the mountains
Not to us be glory given
Not what I am, O Lord, but what you are
Not what these hands have done
Now I have found the ground wherein
Now lives the Lamb of God
Now may he who from the dead
Now may the God of peace
Now thank we all our God
Now to him whose power is able
Now to the King eternal
Now, O my soul, forget no more
O bless the God of Israel
O bless the Lord, my soul!
O breath of life, come sweeping through us
O changeless Christ, for ever new
O Christ of all the ages, come!
O Christ the same, through all our story’s pages
O Christ, in you my soul has found
O Christ, the great foundation
O Christ, you wept when grief was raw
O church arise and put your armour on;
O clap your hands, all nations, cry
O come all you faithful
O come all you faithful V123
O come, O come, Immanuel
O come, our all-victorious Lord
O Father, you are sovereign
O for a closer walk with God
O for a heart to praise my God
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O give me Samuel’s ear
O God beyond all praising
O God of Bethel, by whose hand
O God of love, O King of peace
O God who shaped the starry skies
O God, do not keep silent
O God, from whom all mercy springs
O God, hear me calling and answer, I pray!
O God, my refuge, keep me safe
O God, the heathen have attacked
O God, we thank you that your name
O God, whose all-sustaining hand
O God, why have you cast us off for ever
O God, your life-creating love
O God, your mercy, moved by love
O great God of highest heaven
O happy day, that fixed my choice
O happy day, that fixed my choice
O hear my cry, my righteous God
O hidden love of God, whose height
O hidden source of calm repose
O Holy night (revised)
O holy night (Sovereign Grace)
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,
O Holy Spirit, by whose breath
O holy, holy Lord
O how the grace of God
O I have heard the Gospel told
O Jesus Christ, within me grow
O Jesus, full of truth and grace
O Jesus, I have promised
O Jesus, King most wonderful
O little town of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem exc V2
O Lord my God! When I in awesome wonder
O Lord my rock, to you I cry aloud
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
O Lord of hosts, how lovely is your dwelling-place!
O Lord our God, how majestic is your name
O Lord our God, in every age
O Lord! My God and King
O Lord! My God and King ammended
O Lord, at early morning hear
O Lord, do not rebuke me
O Lord, how many enemies
O Lord, O Judge of all the earth
O Lord, our guardian and our guide
O Lord, the clouds are gathering
O Lord, the God who saves me
O Lord, who came from realms above
O love divine! What have you done?
O love of God, how strong and true
O matchless beauty of our God
O mighty rulers, can you claim
O my Saviour, lifted
O my soul, arise and bless your Maker,
O people, listen—hear God’s wisdom crying!
O perfect life of love!
O praise our mighty Lord
O praise the Lord! Sing praises!
O Praise The Name
O Praise the Name 2 verses, 1 chrous
O praise, you servants of the Lord
O precious sight, my Saviour stands,
O precious words that Jesus said
O sacred head once wounded
O sacrifice of Calvary
O safe to the rock that is higher than I
O sing a new song
O soul, are you weary and troubled
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
O Spirit of the living God
O splendour of God’s glory bright
O sweetest love, O love divine
O teach me, Lord, its meaning
O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord
O that the Lord would guide my ways
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
O the love that drew salvation’s plan
O Trinity, O Trinity, the uncreated one
O walk with Jesus! You will know
O what a mystery I see
O what matchless condescension
O worship the King
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
O, come to me you weary
O, the mercy of God, the glory of grace,
O, to see the dawn
Object of my first desire
Of loyal love and justice
Of the Father’s heart begotten
Oh, how good it is
On a hill far away
On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross
On Jordan’s bank the baptist’s cry
On this assembled host
Once in royal David’s city
Once in royal David’s city exc V5
One day when heaven was filled with all His praises
One day when Heaven was filled with His praises
One holy Apostolic church
One there is above all others
One thing I know
One with Jesus, loved and cherished
Only by grace can we enter
Onward! Christian Soldiers
Our children, Lord, in faith and prayer
Our confidence is in the Lord
Our Father God, your name we praise
Our Father who art in heaven
Our God stands like a fortress rock
Our God, our help in ages past
Our God, supreme and good
Our great Redeemer, as he breathed
Our heart is filled with thankfulness
Patient in hope, I sought the Lord
Peace, perfect peace
Powerful in making us wise to salvation
Praise be to Christ in whom we see
Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise God! The man is blessed who fears the Lord
Praise him, praise him all you little children,
Praise him, praise him! Jesus, our blessed Redeemer
Praise him, praise him, praise him
Praise my soul, the King of heaven
Praise the Father, God of justice
Praise the Lord who reigns above
Praise the Lord! give thanks for ever
Praise the Lord! My soul is singing
Praise the Lord, you heavens, adore him
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
Praise, O praise our God and King
Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire
Preachers of the God of grace
Prepare Him Room
Priest and victim, Jesus dies
Purify my heart
Rain on the earth by heaven’s blessing
Rebuke me not in anger, Lord
Receive, O God, my anguished prayer
Reconciled, I’m reconciled
Reign in me, Sovereign Lord
Rejoice in the Lord always,
Rejoice, believer, in the Lord
Rejoice, the Lord is King
Rejoicing in hope we wait for our King
Released in praise we worship you, O Lord
Remember what you said to me your servant
Remember, Lord, the world you made
Revive your church, O Lord
Ride on, ride on in majesty
Ring out the bells
River, wash over me
Roar the waves, the waters praising
Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Rock of Ages, cleft for me, (Original)
Round the Lord in glory seated
Safe in the shadow of the Lord
Salvation belongs to our God,
Save me, O God, I sink into the depths
Saviour, again to your dear name we raise
Search me, O God! My actions try
Search me, O God, and know my heart today
See him lying on a bed of straw
See how great a flame aspires
See, amid the winter’s snow
See, the conqueror mounts in triumph
See, what a morning
See, what a morning repeat last verse
Seek ye first the kingdom of God
Shelter safely in the shadow
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
Shine now upon us, Lord
Shine, shine, light of the world,
Should I rehearse with human voice
Shout for joy
Shout with joy to God, all nations
Show me how to stand for justice
Show us Christ
Silent night! holy night!
Silent, surrendered, calm and stilll
Silently we watch as our God
Sing hallelujah to the Lord
Sing out an Easter song,
Sing praise to God who reigns above
Sing praise to the Lord God Almighty
Sing to God new songs of worship
Sing to the Lord with all of your heart
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Singing songs of expectation
Sit down beneath his shadow
Soften my heart, Lord
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Sometimes my eyes are blind
Son of God, if your free grace
Songs of praise the angels sang
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Sovereign grace and love abounding
Sovereign grace o’er sin abounding
Sovereign Lord, we sing your glory
Sovereign ruler of the skies
Speak, Lord, in the stillness
Speak, O Lord, as we come to you
Spirit divine, inspire our prayers
Spirit of faith, come down
Spirit of God, descend upon my heart
Spirit of God, our hearts inspire
Spirit of holiness, wisdom and faithfulness
Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me
Stand up and bless the Lord
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Stay with us, God, as longed-for peace eludes us
Still near me, O my Saviour, stand
Stricken, smitten, and afflicted
Such love, pure as the whitest snow
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days,
Sweet feast of Love Divine
Sweet is the work (May Jackson Funeral)
Sweet is the work, my God, my King
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Take my life, and let it be
Take time to be holy, speak much with your Lord
Take up your cross, the Saviour said
Teach me, dear Lord, to savour every moment
Teach me, O Lord, your way of truth
Teach my your way, O Lord
Teach us how grave a thing it is
Tell all the world of Jesus
Tell his praise in song and story
Tell me the old, old story
Tell me the stories of Jesus
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!
Thank You for the love that our mums give to us each day;
Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus
Thank you, Lord, for gifts of teaching
Thanks to God, whose word was spoken
That priceless gift what tongue can tell
The Ancient of Days
The best book to read is the bible.
The brightness of God’s glory
The church’s one foundation
The darkness turns to dawn
The day of resurrection
The day you gave us, Lord, is ended
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.
The fool has said within his heart
The fool whose heart declares in pride
The gifts we bring express our love
The God of Abraham praise
The God of Abraham praise
The God we seek, beyond all thought
The Gospel of your grace
The grace of life is theirs
The grace of my God; an unbreakable chain,
The head that once was crowned with thorns
The heavens declare God’s glory
The heavens declare your glory, Lord!
The heroes of scripture
The King of love my shepherd is
The King shall come, when morning dawns
The kingdom of God
The Lion of Judah is Jesus, the Lamb
The Lord be near us as we pray
The Lord created family
The Lord eternal reigns
The Lord God appointed
The Lord is King supreme
The Lord is King! Lift up your voice
The Lord is King! With joyful sound
The Lord is King: tremble, O earth, and fear him
The Lord is my light and salvation
The Lord is risen indeed
The Lord made man, the scriptures tell
The Lord my shepherd rules my life
The Lord restored us – we were freed
The Lord said to my Lord, ‘sit here’
The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want
The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want
The people who in darkness walked
The price is paid:
The promised time arrives
The sands of time are sinking (Original)
The sands of time are sinking (Updated)
The servants of God are baptized
The Son of God rides out to war
The Spirit breathes upon the Word
The Spirit breathes upon the Word
The Spirit came, as promised
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases
The story has broken
The story has broken,
The strife is past, the battle done
The trumpets sound, the angels sing
The virgin Mary had a baby boy
The whole earth is the Lord’s
The will of God to mark my way
The wise man built his house upon the rock,
The Word was very God
Then I saw a new heaven and earth
There is a day that all creation’s waiting for
There is a fountain filled with blood_newMusic
There is a green hill far away
There is a higher throne
There is a hope so sure
There is a hope that burns within my heart,
There is a land of pure delight
There is a name I love to hear
There is a Redeemer
There is an everlasting kindness
There is an eye that never sleeps
There was a baby born in poverty
There was no room in Bethlehem
There’s a way back to God
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
There’s no greater name than Jesus
Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return
There’s a well of forgiveness, full and free,
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
These are the facts as we have received them
They have oppressed me from my youth
They lack no friends, who have your love
Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son,
This earth belongs to God
This is my beloved Son
This is the day of light
This is the day the Lord has made
This is the day the Lord himself has made
This is the day,
This is the day, this is the day
This joyful Eastertide
This life I live is not my own,
This little light of mine –
Those who rely on the Lord are unshakeable
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy,
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace
Though troubles assail
Throned upon the awful tree
Through all our days, we’ll sing the praise
Through all the changing scenes of life
Through the darkness of the ages
Titus 3:3-7 (NLT)
To God be the glory! Great things he has done
To God our strength come, sing aloud
To him we come
To him who chose us first
To know my Jesus crucified
To the name of our salvation
To you, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Today your mercy calls us
Transfigured Christ, none comprehends
Trouble may break with the dawn
True light, blazing in the darkest place
Truly God is good
Turn our hearts
Turn your eyes upon Jesus Chorus only
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Two little fishes, five loaves of bread,
Unless the Lord constructs the house
Unto the hills around me I lift up
Up to you I lift my eyes
Wake up, O sleeper, and rise from the dead
Walk in the light, and you shall know
We all are one in mission
We are a moment, you are forever,
We are here to praise you
We are marching in the light of God
We believe in God Almighty
We come as guests invited
We come before our Fathers’ God
We come, O Christ, to you
We declare your majesty
We give God thanks for those who knew
We give immortal praise
We have a Gospel to proclaim
We have heard a joyful sound:
We have heard of your deeds, Lord, in days that are past
We have not known you as we ought
We need each other’s voice to sing
We plough the fields, and scatter
We praise the God in whom we trust
We sing the praise of him who died
We trust in you, our shield and our defender
We were not there to see you come
We who know the Lord is gracious
Welcome, happy morning! Age to age shall say
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
What a friend we have in Jesus
What Adam’s disobedience cost
What blessings God bestows
What does the Lord require
What grace is mine, that he who dwells in endless light
What kind of greatness can this be
What kind of love is this
What must I do to be saved?
What offering shall we give
What sacred fountain ever springs
What various hindrances we meet
Whatever my God ordains is right
Whatever things are lovely
When all your mercies, O my God
When brothers are together
When circumstances make my life
When God begins a work
When I survey the wondrous cross
When Israel fled from Egypt
When Jesus died upon the cross
When Jesus led his chosen three
When lawless people thrive
When morning gilds the skies
When peace, like a river, attends all my way
When the King shall come again
When the Lord in glory comes
When the music fades,
When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time shall be no more
When this land knew God’s gracious love outpoured
When this passing world is done
When to our world the Saviour came
When troubles come and hopes depart
When upon life’s billows you are tempest tossed
When we walk with the Lord
When you prayed beneath the trees
When you, my righteous judge, shall come
Where do you travel
Where high the heavenly temple stands
Where shall my wondering soul begin
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
While the bread is yet unbroken
Who believes what we have heard
Who can bind the raging sea
Who can cheer the heart like Jesus
Who can sound the depths of sorrow
Who has held the oceans in his hand?
Who is on the Lord’s side
Who is there like you
Who may ascend the hill of the Lord
Who sees it all, before whose gaze
Who Would Have Dreamed
Who, O Lord, could save themselves
Why all my fear and unbelief
Why did you choose me-what have I done
Why do all the nations rage
Why do the nations rage and cry
Why should I fear the darkest hour
Why, God, have you forsaken me
Why, mighty hero, must you boast
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?
Wind of God, dynamic Spirit
Wise men, they came to look for wisdom
With a prayer you fed the hungry,
With all my heart I seek
With hearts in love abounding
With joy I welcome, Lord, your right
With joy we contemplate the grace
With this bread we will remember him
Within the busy rush of life
Wonderful grace that gives what I don’t deserve
Worthy is the Lamb
Yes, finished! The Messiah dies
Yet not I but Christ in me (what gift of grace)
You are coming, O my Saviour
You are the King of glory
You are the way: From sin and death
You have made us your own
You holy angels bright
You I will love, my strength, my tower
You laid aside your majesty
You servants of God
You servants of the Lord
You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace
You souls redeemed with blood
You that do your master’s will
You, O Lord, have searched and known me
Your glorious cause, O God
Your hand, O God, has guided
Your Kingdom come, O God
Your mercy flows upon us like a river
Your mercy, my God, is the theme of my song
Your praises, Lord, with all my heart
Your way, not mine, O Lord
Your word alone is solid ground
Your word is good, it’s ever faithful
Your word’s a lamp to guide my footsteps
Your work, not mine, O Christ
You’re the word of God the Father
Zion, founded on the mountain